What is SEO hosting? How does it affect SEO?

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Does web hosting affect SEO? And if so, you should know about it.
Hosting is where your website data is stored. It means a company is hosting your website and it affects your SEO efforts in some cases. A good hosting provider can help you achieve your SEO goals faster, while a bad hosting provider can hinder your efforts.

To get straight to the point, we first explain what SEO is involved with Web hosting that we understand then go into the immediate issues of how hosting providers affect SEO. , and finally how to choose a good hosting provider for  SEO Website .

1. What is SEO Web hosting?
SEO Web hosting does not have an official definition because it is not a method or product, so instead of people using one  term  to describe a web hosting provider, we can simply understand it. is SEO friendly hosting. In fact, an SEO- friendly hosting provider   doesn't offer anything special that can boost SEO but simply doesn't do anything bad that could damage SEO.

In other words, an SEO Web hosting provider does not do things that negatively affect SEO, we will immediately see those things below.
2. Be aware of your SEO being affected by web hosting providers
SEO is a set of principles that you can apply to your website, so it is important that your website adheres to those principles for high visibility on search engines. Among those principles are a few that are influenced by the hosting provider such as: performance (speed), availability (uptime), safety and security, SEO awareness.

Site speed : is a known SEO factor that directly affects  Onpage SEO . Your site should load as quickly as possible to take full advantage of the SEO advantages, in addition to providing users with a better user experience and reviews. Thereby, they will have good actions (view more pages, subscribe ...) to your website.
To get a fast website speed, you need 2 things. First, a good hosting provider, has enough resources, good data center infrastructure and fastest hardware. The second thing, you have to get a standard SEO website  with optimized code, optimized images.

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For the 2nd one this is something you can control but for the first one if the provider doesn't have good hardware it will affect the performance of the website and your best option is to go to 1 Better, more reliable supplier.
Website Always Up : Another factor that affects search engine rankings is that your website is always up and running. Search engines and especially Google don't want to redirect their users to pages that don't work, that's why they check and can remove (perhaps temporarily remove) pages that don't work. available out of their index.

The availability (always on) of a website is the responsibility of the web hosting service provider and failure to do so could affect your reputation in the online marketplace. The worst assumption is that this happens while you are sleeping, if you don't have a tool to monitor the stability of your website then you are losing customers and traffic.

Security : You can take all measures to secure your website but if your hosting provider doesn't, it's like building a castle in the sand.
For those of you who have experienced hacked websites, you know what we're talking about, it's frustrating and your business can be greatly impacted from being hacked.

A website without good security is very vulnerable to malware and if this is not addressed quickly, the web is easily removed from the index and blacklisted.
SEO Awareness : If your hosting provider doesn't know about SEO and doesn't understand the fundamentals then they can sometimes sabotage your SEO efforts without even knowing it themselves. An example, in your website there is robots.txt to manage search engine classification but the hosting provider does not know and thinks it is an unprofitable file and deletes it, this affects the website configuration. your.

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That's just an example, I've seen providers shut down websites because they had a lot of traffic or they asked to remove some Plugins just because their infrastructure couldn't handle it. or overloading the visitor (even though they promised unlimited resources)
The bottom line is that your hosting provider shouldn't do anything that could damage your SEO or your reputation simply because of their inefficiencies and more importantly, they shouldn't do this. not authorized by you.

3. How to choose a "friendly" Web hosting provider with SEO?
With 4 years working online, in each of us have had the opportunity to work with several hosting providers and try different hosting packages. Choosing a good hosting provider to rest assured SEO Web is not difficult. Competition is tough so hosting providers must also bring good quality to users by providing better services at lower prices.

That is not to say that all providers have good hosting so we will try to give you some advice on how to choose a good and friendly hosting provider. SEO for your online business or website.

Years in Business : Not a quality factor but a company that has been in the hosting business for a long time will have more experience than a company that is just starting out. That means they have to do it right to survive for a long time.
Reputation : What is a company's reputation? What are people and especially experts thinking about them? A cheap hosting provider with a very slow homepage and outdated design???
Review : What are their customers saying? What users evaluate about the quality of service and support of the provider. There are certainly review sites for their services, forums for sharing opinions, and you should keep an eye on what the provider has to say about their quality service feedback

Data Center : Do they have a data center or do they just resell services to other providers? Do they keep up with technology by having the latest hardware and best practices for the fastest support, or do they have outdated hardware and “cluttered” procedural support?

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What kind of hosting do you need ? The last but not least important idea is that you should know exactly what your needs are. Do you need a dedicated server (VPS) because you expect a large amount of traffic to your website or do you want a more dedicated server? Is 1 hosting the best solution for your business or do you need something more secure and scalable?

After many years of providing  SEO services,  it is clear to us that a hosting provider has a role to play in the success of your website. So you should try to choose a good hosting provider that guarantees you the elements and does not affect your SEO efforts. You can monitor and protect your site from annoying issues (which also affect SEO): slow loading speeds, downtime, and safety risks.
If you have problems with technical information about hosting, VPS. Please contact us for the best support.

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