best video length for youtube 2020

best video length for youtube 2020
best video length for youtube 2020

Does video length matter or not?

What is the correct length for YouTube?

The long video in question is getting more love from YouTube?

YouTube's search and discovery systems try to help each viewer find what they want to see. This means they will show videos on the surface that viewers are interested in watching, and the audience will be satisfied after watching.

Now, when you listen to that second part, the algorithm directly rewards long videos because they are so satisfying and cause people to watch them for a long time. Podcasts will take over, but it is not like that. If so, you'll never watch music videos with millions and sometimes billions of views. You will never see hit animated videos.

YouTube's search and referral systems use hundreds of signals to determine how to sort videos, of course the average viewing time of a video and the average percentage viewed.

What you do not want to do is just start lengthening your videos. After all, if the quality of your videos is declining and viewers start clicking in advance, it is not a positive signal.

The 20-minute video version get more exposure?

Very possible. The reason is that viewers can find the 20 minute version very satisfying. Viewers of the 10-minute edition may find the video less satisfying or leave YouTube unsatisfied.

 But we know that the only way to assess satisfaction is to look at how much time one has. That’s why we now use satisfaction surveys as well - maybe you’ve seen them? They roughly ask viewers to rate a video after watching it.

This helps us to better understand the difference between a video that wastes your time ... as opposed to a video that is worth your time. The best thing to do as a creator? Don't think too much about the length of your video. Important is, "Run time must match the content". If you need 2 minutes to communicate what you want to say, make a 2 minute video. If it takes 20 minutes, do it for 20 minutes. If visitors really enjoy watching it, our search and discovery systems should expose their work to others. Hope it helps. To learn more about how YouTube works and how to grow your audience, don't forget to share with your friends

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