How to Get Your First 100 Subscribers on YouTube in 2020

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How to Get Your First 100 Subscribers on YouTube in 2020

best strategies:

I would like to share with you today some of the best strategies to achieve that first major YouTube milestone of 100 subscribers. Let's do this.

How long have you been on YouTube, and how many subscribers so far. When do you think you are going to reach 100 subscribers?

Well, to be honest, getting 10 subscribers is very easy because you can ask all your friends and family to help you get there. For 1,000 subscribers, it probably is now

A little too ambitious, it’s a trap you don’t want to fall into. Throughout your YouTube journey, it will be a very long and successful journey that you want to set yourself up for Manageable goals. Targeting 1,000 subscribers with 4,000 hours of watch time is an obvious test because it means you're halfway to monetizing your channel. The problem is, it can hurt your short-term, everyday mood. Because you will not feel like you have made enough progress. For some channels, it may take months or even days to reach 1,000 subscribers.

Reached 100 subscribers, how is that for you? If you get frustrated, you may start to resort to bad habits and tricks in the beginning. One of them is sub, which is against the terms of service, and, as we all know, has never proven to be successful for a long time for successful channels.

sub for sub: 

The next thing you start to do is go to the big channels and say "Hey, watch my channel" or vice versa, or leave comments with this weird arrow pointing finger or blue thumb. , "Are you subscribed to my channel?" I don’t know why anyone does that. All of those cunning tactics around me are the mindset of me, the creator of a YouTube video.

  As we always preach here, a value you give to your audience will help them trust you and subscribe to your content. If you absolutely desire, you can seek to buy subscribers, which is the worst thing you can do on your channel. First, it's against the Terms of Service, again, it can be suspended on your channel, and those subscribers will give you zero value in terms of growing your YouTube channel through views, watch time and creation A community.

 When you first start your channel, you will get a new subscriber every few days. You get one or two a day, and then you get ten or more a week that will help you reach that goal as quickly, hopefully, as possible. We will give you a great event-scene. You start your channel, the first video goes up and to your surprise, a lot of people watch this. And then you get it

There is nothing else to show them. It's always a good idea to give your audience a collection of videos to watch on your channel. So if possible, do not launch a single video on your channel, or initially, you may want to try and exit as many videos as possible, which may be the opposite The table you end up doing.

why post two or more videos

 You may want to post one video a week, and perhaps in that first week, you may want to post three videos so that people who find your content have something to feed on very quickly. This is often because viewers will not subscribe to the first video they watch on a channel.

It may take two or three videos to force them to press that red button. If you have more than one video, you can start interacting with your audience on all the content you create, which is a topic that your audience is interested in. If you can get your audience to enjoy your first part of the content, love your second part, and then subscribe as a result of the third part of your content, then you can keep an audience for months, years, a lifetime.

 Now, I would not recommend launching three or four videos at once when launching your channel. You want to give each video a moment to breathe on stage. If you have a batch of videos that you want to upload to YouTube at once, that's fine, make sure they are public or private until you are ready to publish them, and then stumble upon them at least once a day, and then if you do not want to post them on YouTube daily, each Give the video at least 48 hours. Now as I say, the first week three is probably perfect. As soon as your videos are released you will soon realize that you are getting a lot of bonuses from YouTube and you may find that you have a quick viewing speed in the first 24 hours.

Audience is must:

But if you start it all at once, it will not allow YouTube to distribute that content to potential viewers. Like I said, you can't sustain the amount of content you emit in the first week or month of your YouTube channel. But when you first start your channel, give it as much as you can to your audience. The first subscribers to your channel, strangers in real life, are doing amazing things. Take a moment to notice what is happening here. Someone somewhere in the world has found your content valuable and they will be notified again when you publish more content.

 If you can put that person in front of you, it will be a fantastic conversation. Then it gets ten subscribers, which is the queue of people waiting for a bus. They need to tell them something. You get 25 subscribers, it’s a room full of people, and then you start coming towards 100 subscribers, it’s a crowded hall. Can you imagine standing on stage and talking directly to those people in real life? It’s a terrifying opportunity, but everyone does it every day when trying to reach this first big milestone.

Target content:

Now these real life people are so precious to you, you want to treat them with that respect. When you have small sample sizes, if people subscribe to specific videos on your channel, you want to use that content more. Yes, we bring down the common topic of nitching, one of the most important strategies on YouTube.

 I’m going to enjoy making, not realizing that there are audiences out there who have already seen some of your previous content, enjoyed it, subscribed, and want to see more or less the same thing. If you continue to provide subscribed content to your subscribers, you will start to gain momentum, which I guarantee. Remember I already said that the first video a viewer sees on your channel should not subscribe to them. However, even if a viewer does not, due to the way YouTube's recommendations work Subscribe to your channel and more of your content will appear in your browsing feeds or recommended videos. If they watch a second video from you like the first, and they enjoy it more, it will convince them to subscribe. But it should be in the title for the viewing habits of the audience.

 50 videos, 100 videos, six months to understand if you like that process. If you are more focused on how to deliver content to your audience and pay attention to their comments, rather than looking at a single metric of subscribers or that single metric.

Views and viewing time, I guarantee you, as already guaranteed in this video, You will enjoy this process very much. Before you know it, you won't even realize it,You will exceed 100 subscribers. You may have noticed the high focus towards this video The mood of the video creator. The journey you begin is a challenge. But if you have the right attitude, you can overcome any obstacles in your path including that Milestone of 100 subscribers. 


We want you to achieve this, these videos will help you to do this. Your subscribers, because they may be now, you want to achieve this, they do not know it yet.Enjoy the rest of your video making tomorrow.

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